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Cartes Pokémon : la prochaine extension ...
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Modèle de fiche

Le Façonneur
Le Maître du Jeu
Le Façonneur

Modèle de fiche Aa937b44ea427aaec4ddbf2490cf8909222260d7

Modèle de fiche
fiche de lien  — template à utiliser

Vous trouverez ici le code vous permettant de poster votre fiche de liens ! Dans cette fiche vous pourrez répertorier vos liens, vos idées ainsi que vos rp.

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le code


<div class="fiche"><div class="fiche-titre"><div class="fiche-nom"> prénom <strong>nom</strong> </div><div class="fiche-quote"><div class="quotes-img"><img src="https://ekladata.com/dPXB8snE39aV0lhVXMEzkhbsxFE/left-quote.png" /> </div><div class="quotes-text">Amandil quella tuulo' elea lle merna salk amin sinta thaliolle e dagor. Unguerea Amandil Yavannie thangarim yassen templa.</div></div></div><div class="fiche-content"><div class="rel-chara"><div class="rel-bloc"><div class="rel-sous-titre">elogia cinerosa</div><div class="rel-bloc-content">Kotyaerea Mith'quessir amin nauva auta yeste' amin uuma malia. Nogoth Viresse sana termara en' templa amin hiraetha. Urime yulma ten' lemar en' templa poika tuulo' 'kshapsae Lotesse. Amin uuma malia mellon en mellonamin gurth gothrim tel'quessir maien quel n'quel. Ascarerea aa' i'sul nora lanne'lle quel du i'quelin mori'quessier naa ba mori'quessir.<br /><br />Kotyaerea Mith'quessir amin nauva auta yeste' amin uuma malia. Nogoth Viresse sana termara en' templa amin hiraetha. Urime yulma ten' lemar en' templa poika tuulo' 'kshapsae Lotesse. Amin uuma malia mellon en mellonamin gurth gothrim tel'quessir maien quel n'quel. Ascarerea aa' i'sul nora lanne'lle quel du i'quelin mori'quessier naa ba mori'quessir.</div></div><div class="rel-img"><img src="https://2img.net/h/ekladata.com/85ZR178rZux2i3vnuxdO4LdH6yI/lolb.png" /></div></div>

<div class="tadmin5"><div class="tadmin-texte">relations</div><div class="tadmin-barre"> </div></div><!-- DEBUT relation image gauche --><div class="rel1"><div class="rel-infos"><img src="https://2img.net/h/ekladata.com/85ZR178rZux2i3vnuxdO4LdH6yI/lolb.png" /><div class="rel-name">prénom nom</div></div><div class="rel-content">Kotyaerea Mith'quessir amin nauva auta yeste' amin uuma malia. Nogoth Viresse sana termara en' templa amin hiraetha. Urime yulma ten' lemar en' templa poika tuulo' 'kshapsae Lotesse. Amin uuma malia mellon en mellonamin gurth gothrim tel'quessir maien quel n'quel. Ascarerea aa' i'sul nora lanne'lle quel du i'quelin mori'quessier naa ba mori'quessir.<br /><br />Kotyaerea Mith'quessir amin nauva auta yeste' amin uuma malia. Nogoth Viresse sana termara en' templa amin hiraetha. Urime yulma ten' lemar en' templa poika tuulo' 'kshapsae Lotesse. Amin uuma malia mellon en mellonamin gurth gothrim tel'quessir maien quel n'quel. Ascarerea aa' i'sul nora lanne'lle quel du i'quelin mori'quessier naa ba mori'quessir.</div></div><!-- FIN relation image gauche --><!-- DEBUT relation image droite--><div class="rel2"><div class="rel-content">Kotyaerea Mith'quessir amin nauva auta yeste' amin uuma malia. Nogoth Viresse sana termara en' templa amin hiraetha. Urime yulma ten' lemar en' templa poika tuulo' 'kshapsae Lotesse. Amin uuma malia mellon en mellonamin gurth gothrim tel'quessir maien quel n'quel. Ascarerea aa' i'sul nora lanne'lle quel du i'quelin mori'quessier naa ba mori'quessir.<br /><br />Kotyaerea Mith'quessir amin nauva auta yeste' amin uuma malia. Nogoth Viresse sana termara en' templa amin hiraetha. Urime yulma ten' lemar en' templa poika tuulo' 'kshapsae Lotesse. Amin uuma malia mellon en mellonamin gurth gothrim tel'quessir maien quel n'quel. Ascarerea aa' i'sul nora lanne'lle quel du i'quelin mori'quessier naa ba mori'quessir.</div><div class="rel-infos"><img src="https://2img.net/h/ekladata.com/85ZR178rZux2i3vnuxdO4LdH6yI/lolb.png" /><div class="rel-name">prénom nom</div></div><!-- FIN relation image gauche --></div></div></div>
Le Façonneur
Le Maître du Jeu
Le Façonneur

Modèle de fiche Aa937b44ea427aaec4ddbf2490cf8909222260d7

prénom nom
Amandil quella tuulo' elea lle merna salk amin sinta thaliolle e dagor. Unguerea Amandil Yavannie thangarim yassen templa.
elogia cinerosa
Kotyaerea Mith'quessir amin nauva auta yeste' amin uuma malia. Nogoth Viresse sana termara en' templa amin hiraetha. Urime yulma ten' lemar en' templa poika tuulo' 'kshapsae Lotesse. Amin uuma malia mellon en mellonamin gurth gothrim tel'quessir maien quel n'quel. Ascarerea aa' i'sul nora lanne'lle quel du i'quelin mori'quessier naa ba mori'quessir.

Kotyaerea Mith'quessir amin nauva auta yeste' amin uuma malia. Nogoth Viresse sana termara en' templa amin hiraetha. Urime yulma ten' lemar en' templa poika tuulo' 'kshapsae Lotesse. Amin uuma malia mellon en mellonamin gurth gothrim tel'quessir maien quel n'quel. Ascarerea aa' i'sul nora lanne'lle quel du i'quelin mori'quessier naa ba mori'quessir.

prénom nom
Kotyaerea Mith'quessir amin nauva auta yeste' amin uuma malia. Nogoth Viresse sana termara en' templa amin hiraetha. Urime yulma ten' lemar en' templa poika tuulo' 'kshapsae Lotesse. Amin uuma malia mellon en mellonamin gurth gothrim tel'quessir maien quel n'quel. Ascarerea aa' i'sul nora lanne'lle quel du i'quelin mori'quessier naa ba mori'quessir.

Kotyaerea Mith'quessir amin nauva auta yeste' amin uuma malia. Nogoth Viresse sana termara en' templa amin hiraetha. Urime yulma ten' lemar en' templa poika tuulo' 'kshapsae Lotesse. Amin uuma malia mellon en mellonamin gurth gothrim tel'quessir maien quel n'quel. Ascarerea aa' i'sul nora lanne'lle quel du i'quelin mori'quessier naa ba mori'quessir.
Kotyaerea Mith'quessir amin nauva auta yeste' amin uuma malia. Nogoth Viresse sana termara en' templa amin hiraetha. Urime yulma ten' lemar en' templa poika tuulo' 'kshapsae Lotesse. Amin uuma malia mellon en mellonamin gurth gothrim tel'quessir maien quel n'quel. Ascarerea aa' i'sul nora lanne'lle quel du i'quelin mori'quessier naa ba mori'quessir.

Kotyaerea Mith'quessir amin nauva auta yeste' amin uuma malia. Nogoth Viresse sana termara en' templa amin hiraetha. Urime yulma ten' lemar en' templa poika tuulo' 'kshapsae Lotesse. Amin uuma malia mellon en mellonamin gurth gothrim tel'quessir maien quel n'quel. Ascarerea aa' i'sul nora lanne'lle quel du i'quelin mori'quessier naa ba mori'quessir.
prénom nom
Le Façonneur
Le Maître du Jeu
Le Façonneur

Modèle de fiche Aa937b44ea427aaec4ddbf2490cf8909222260d7



<div class="fiche"><div class="fiche-titre"><div class="fiche-nom"> <strong>chronologie</strong> </div></div><div class="fiche-content"><div class="cchrono2"><div class="cchrono2-barre"></div><div class="cchrono2-content"><!-- début item chrono --><div class="cchrono-item"><div class="cchrono-round"></div><div class="cchrono-titre">année 1267</div></div><div class="cchrono1"><p><strong>date/misc</strong> <a href="#">end is nigh, my body is broken, i go now into the night, to die eyes</a> — ft. name</p><p><strong>date/misc</strong> <a href="#">end is nigh, my body is broken, i go now into the night, to die eyes</a> — ft. name</p><p><strong>date/misc</strong> <a href="#">end is nigh, my body is broken, i go now into the night, to die eyes</a> — ft. name</p><p><strong>date/misc</strong> <a href="#">end is nigh, my body is broken, i go now into the night, to die eyes</a> — ft. name</p><p><strong>date/misc</strong> <a href="#">end is nigh, my body is broken, i go now into the night, to die eyes</a> — ft. name</p></div><br /><br /><!-- fin item chrono --><!-- début item chrono --><div class="cchrono-item"><div class="cchrono-round"></div><div class="cchrono-titre">flashbacks</div></div><div class="cchrono1"><p><strong>date/misc</strong> <a href="#">end is nigh, my body is broken, i go now into the night, to die eyes</a> — ft. name</p><p><strong>date/misc</strong> <a href="#">end is nigh, my body is broken, i go now into the night, to die eyes</a> — ft. name</p><p><strong>date/misc</strong> <a href="#">end is nigh, my body is broken, i go now into the night, to die eyes</a> — ft. name</p><p><strong>date/misc</strong> <a href="#">end is nigh, my body is broken, i go now into the night, to die eyes</a> — ft. name</p><p><strong>date/misc</strong> <a href="#">end is nigh, my body is broken, i go now into the night, to die eyes</a> — ft. name</p></div><!-- fin item chrono --></div></div></div></div>
Le Façonneur
Le Maître du Jeu
Le Façonneur

Modèle de fiche Aa937b44ea427aaec4ddbf2490cf8909222260d7



<div class="fiche"><div class="fiche-titre"><div class="fiche-nom"> <strong>chronologie</strong> </div></div><div class="fiche-content"><div class="tadmin6"><div class="tadmin-barre"></div><div class="tadmin-texte">rp en cours</div></div><br /><br /><br /><div class="cchrono1"><p><strong>date/misc</strong> <a href="#">end is nigh, my body is broken, i go now into the night, to die eyes</a> — ft. name</p><p><strong>date/misc</strong> <a href="#">end is nigh, my body is broken, i go now into the night, to die eyes</a> — ft. name</p><p><strong>date/misc</strong> <a href="#">end is nigh, my body is broken, i go now into the night, to die eyes</a> — ft. name</p><p><strong>date/misc</strong> <a href="#">end is nigh, my body is broken, i go now into the night, to die eyes</a> — ft. name</p><p><strong>date/misc</strong> <a href="#">end is nigh, my body is broken, i go now into the night, to die eyes</a> — ft. name</p></div><br /><br /><div class="tadmin5"><div class="tadmin-texte">rp terminés</div><div class="tadmin-barre"></div></div><br /><div class="cchrono1"><p><strong>date/misc</strong> <a href="#">end is nigh, my body is broken, i go now into the night, to die eyes</a> — ft. name</p><p><strong>date/misc</strong> <a href="#">end is nigh, my body is broken, i go now into the night, to die eyes</a> — ft. name</p><p><strong>date/misc</strong> <a href="#">end is nigh, my body is broken, i go now into the night, to die eyes</a> — ft. name</p><p><strong>date/misc</strong> <a href="#">end is nigh, my body is broken, i go now into the night, to die eyes</a> — ft. name</p><p><strong>date/misc</strong> <a href="#">end is nigh, my body is broken, i go now into the night, to die eyes</a> — ft. name</p></div><br /><br /><div class="tadmin6"><div class="tadmin-barre"></div><div class="tadmin-texte">rp abandonnés</div></div><br /><br /><br /><div class="cchrono1"><p><strong>date/misc</strong> <a href="#">end is nigh, my body is broken, i go now into the night, to die eyes</a> — ft. name</p><p><strong>date/misc</strong> <a href="#">end is nigh, my body is broken, i go now into the night, to die eyes</a> — ft. name</p><p><strong>date/misc</strong> <a href="#">end is nigh, my body is broken, i go now into the night, to die eyes</a> — ft. name</p><p><strong>date/misc</strong> <a href="#">end is nigh, my body is broken, i go now into the night, to die eyes</a> — ft. name</p><p><strong>date/misc</strong> <a href="#">end is nigh, my body is broken, i go now into the night, to die eyes</a> — ft. name</p></div></div></div>
Le Façonneur
Le Maître du Jeu
Le Façonneur

Modèle de fiche Aa937b44ea427aaec4ddbf2490cf8909222260d7

shout sister
the brutress
who will know
shiro sagisu
if the poison won't take you my dogs will
lingua ignota


<div class="fiche"><div class="fiche-titre"><div class="fiche-nom"> <strong>playlist</strong> </div></div><div class="fiche-content"><div class="song-content"><!-- DEBUT song item --><div class="song"><div class="icon"></div><div class="songname"><strong>shout sister</strong><br />the brutress</div></div><!-- FIN song item --><!-- DEBUT song item --><div class="song"><div class="icon"></div><div class="songname"><strong>who will know</strong><br />shiro sagisu</div></div><!-- FIN song item --><!-- DEBUT song item --><div class="song"><div class="icon"></div><div class="songname"><strong>if the poison won't take you my dogs will</strong><br />lingua ignota</div></div><!-- FIN song item --></div></div></div>
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